You might be asking what in the world that means. This is big news! In an industry when so many cryptocurrencies are acting as securities and subsequently being prosecuted for that, GEODE wants to play by the book. The CRC Scorecard offers a way to dive much deeper into the question of whether your token is a security by analyzing more than thirty criteria. This is how Geode’s scorecard would look IF the Crypto Ratings Council’s Securities Law Framework and Scorecard template (found at were used to review the GEODE Token and associated blockchain. As projects cannot request review by the CRC, we undertook the scorecard ourselves to assess our own rating. This rating is accurate as of November 13th, 2022. The results? 🎉 GEODE scored a 1 making the GEODE token “Least Likely To Be A Security”. 🎉 Check out our Howey Prong totals. For a look at the details of the analysis and our answers to all of the CRC criteria, join the Discord and download the PDF in the Links And Files channel.